CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


Several years ago I hurt my back by trying to lift something that was too heavy. I could hardly walk and I was in great pain. I went to my doctor and he said I had two choices. I could have an operation OR I could see if a chiropractor could help me. I took several months before I could go back to work. I would drive to the doctors office and have my right leg resting on the passenger seat and when I got there I had to lay on the floor of the supply room. I could NOT sit on a chair OR lay in a bed. After my chiropractor treatment I could drive normally, but two days later I was in the same shape. Eventually I was able to sleep in my bed again and walked with little pain. It took a while but I thanked the doctor for his help.

Thank you for your interest in this consultation with the Canadian Pain Task Force towards an improved approach to better understand, prevent, and manage pain in Canada. 

The online consultation is now closed, and written submissions are no longer being accepted. 

Feedback provided from the consultation will inform a report identifying best and leading practices, potential areas for improvement, and elements of an improved approach to pain management in fall 2020. 

For more information on the Task Force, please visit the following link:  

Keep in touch with us via email at CPTF 


Canadian Pain Task Force